On 27th September@RICH MIX London AFRI-KOKOA presented the album launch party for ‘Apiafo’, the new vaudou inspired Afro-funk album by ‘VAUDOU GAME‘. This hot event was part of the LONDON AFRICAN MUSIC FESTIVAL 2014.
Check out the photos below (Copyright Gavin Durrant) and leave a comment if you were there.
Flyer gallery – 10 years of history
This flyer gallery shows the breadth and quality of the afro-arts programme AFRI-KOKOA has delivered since we launched on 11th June 2005…yes it’s almost 10 years and we’re still waving our flag!
Click on the flyer gallery below and scroll through our own little piece of history. For info on events, collaboration or to simply share vibes:
Like: Facebook.com/afrikokoa
Follow: @afrikokoa
Gram: instagram.com/afrikokoa